6th Think Tanks Forum of the Islamic Countries


Senator Mushahid Hussain's Speech on June 11, 2015

Senator Mushahid Hussain's Speech on June 11, 2015

Senator Mushahid Hussain's Speech on June 10, 2015

Senator Mushahid Hussain's Speech on June 10, 2015

Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed Speech on December 26, 2014

Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed Speech on December 26, 2014

Books by Mushahid

Public Hearing: Experts call for Civil Military convergence. Politicians, civil society, defence forces, media urged to join hands

Date : November 28, 2012

Public Hearing: Experts call for Civil Military convergence. Politicians, civil society, defence forces, media urged to join hands

The Senate Committee on Defence and Defence Production organized a public hearing on “Civil-Military Relations” which took place at the Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services (PIPS). Chairman Senate Committee on Defence and Defence Production Mushahid Hussain Sayed presided over the hearing and the panel of speakers included Political and Defence Analyst Dr. Hasan Askari Rizvi, former Secretary General and Minister for Defence Mr. Saleem Abbas Jillani and former Corps Commander Lt General (Retd) Saleem Haider. Members of the Senate Committee on Defence and a diverse audience together with media representatives and students were also present.

Lt General Saleem Haider urged both the civilian government and military to follow 'Turkish Model' where civilian supremacy emerged via evolution and good performance. He asserted that state institutions must work within the prescribed limits defined by the constitution, adding that elected leaders must ensure good governance.  He said that Pakistan is going through a transition and this evolution prolonged could either be painful or painless depending on the sagacity of our leaders both in the military and civilian institutions.  

Ex-Defence Secretary, Saleem Abbas Jillani, urged Khaki & Mufti convergence but noted that democracy must deliver good governance, security, law and order, and justice.  He said that Constitution gives power to the civilian government and source of this power is the people. He stated that both Civil and Military representatives must show tolerance and patience on core issues of national interest.

Mr Hassan Askari Rizvi in his remarks termed Pakistan Army as a formidable force which uses influence, institutional clout and public statements for devising policies.  He said that Pakistan’s military rise has been gradual so a reformation of Civil Military relations will also take time. Dr Askari told the participants that civilian and political solutions must be sought in order to counter the menace of terrorism. He testified that Pakistan is going through a change and it is no longer possible for a single institution to exercise control.

Chairman Defence Committee Mushahid Hussain Sayed said the defence Committee was setting a new tradition in the parliamentary history of Pakistan and it will continue its efforts to act as a bridge between khaki and mufti.  He noted that the culture of putting blame on institutions must alter and the role of the present military and civilian representatives, in this context, is commendable. He said that supremacy of parliament should be based on performance and leadership in ideas, issues and initiatives, stating that both army as well as civilian leadership, have learnt from the past and today’s Pakistan is a different Pakistan with a vibrant media, dynamic civil society, and an independent judiciary. He emphasized that all institutions must play their role towards addressing core issues facing the country today. ‘Politicians, civil society, defence forces and media should join hands for addressing multiple problems being confronted by the country’, Chairman Mushahid Hussain Sayed said. He also testified that Pakistan Army was fighting for restoration of the country's vision and direction in accordance with what the Founding Fathers envisaged and Civil leadership was providing persistent help to military leadership in the war against terrorism.

The senators and participants lauded the initiative of Senate Defence Committee and especially Chairman Mushahid Hussain Sayed for holding this public hearing on a sensitive but significant issue, and termed it a great step forward.