6th Think Tanks Forum of the Islamic Countries


Senator Mushahid Hussain's Speech on June 11, 2015

Senator Mushahid Hussain's Speech on June 11, 2015

Senator Mushahid Hussain's Speech on June 10, 2015

Senator Mushahid Hussain's Speech on June 10, 2015

Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed Speech on December 26, 2014

Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed Speech on December 26, 2014

Books by Mushahid

Mushahid endorses NYA's demand for youth commission

Date : November 20, 2012

Mushahid endorses NYA's demand for youth commission

Educated and well-informed youth could take the country out of present state of restlessness, said Pakistan Muslim League Secretary General Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed on Monday.

In a special session with the National Youth Assembly (NYA), Mushahid Hussain said that youth has to play a significant role to keep abreast with the rest of the world. “The time has come to do something serious for the youth development for a brighter Pakistan,” he said.

While endorsing the NYA’s demand of the National Youth Commission at federal level, he said youth comprise the 65 per cent of the demography in Pakistan. “This is the need of the day to create a commission at federal level to attend youth-related issues as well as youth exchange programs.” The President NYA, Hanan Ali Abbasi, said, “Youth can offer their fullest contribution to society only when they receive proper education, and opportunities to pursue activities and develop skills that will enable them to engage in economic and social betterment of the country.”

Youth Governor Gilgit-Baltistan Saeeda Mir said youth all over the world have been a revolutionary force. “It is the precious asset and opulence that can revive a nation going through hard time. Youth of a nation can do wonders if availed, trained, educated and informed in an optimum fashion, and by the grace of Almighty, the NYA has now become of the leading platforms of the youth that gives voice to the youth and recognises its responsible role towards society and the country.” Youth Minister for Science and Technology, Asim Nawaz, said that youth of today is vulnerable to many external influences in the Pakistani society. “The youth needs to create a balance between his internal dynamics and external influences.”

Youth Minister Sardar Samiullah said that at national level, the Pakistani youth could play miraculous roles towards the sustenance of a peace, tolerant and a prosperous society.

By:  The News International