6th Think Tanks Forum of the Islamic Countries


Senator Mushahid Hussain's Speech on June 11, 2015

Senator Mushahid Hussain's Speech on June 11, 2015

Senator Mushahid Hussain's Speech on June 10, 2015

Senator Mushahid Hussain's Speech on June 10, 2015

Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed Speech on December 26, 2014

Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed Speech on December 26, 2014

Books by Mushahid

Mushahid says Defence Committee promoting a new culture of debate on defence and security by providing leadership in ideas, issues & initiatives

Date : November 5, 2012

Mushahid says Defence Committee promoting a new culture of debate on defence and security by providing leadership in ideas, issues & initiatives

ISLAMABAD. November 5th.  The Senate Committee on Defence and Defence Production in association with Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung organized a seminar “Towards 2014: Challenges of NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan” on November 5th, 2012. The seminar took place at the Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services. Senator Nayyer Hussain Bukhari, Chairman Senate of Pakistan was the Chief Guest for the seminar. The event was presided over by the Chairman of the Defence Committee Senator Mushahid Hussain and the guest of honor was Mr. Roderich Kiesewetter, who is a German Member of Parliament and the rapporteur for the transitional process in Afghanistan of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). The guest speakers included Dr. Maliha Lodhi, Ex-High Commissioner to UK and Mr. Riaz H. Khokhar, Ex-Foreign Secretary.  Members of the Senate Committee on Defence were also present.

Dr. Maliha Lodhi said that the period between now and 2014 is very crucial and will determine the course of post 2014 scenario.  The question of residual pressure will have to be negotiated. She said the NATO forces can either abandon the region in 2014 as US did in the nineties resulting in disastrous consequences or they can make sincere efforts to bolster peace and stability in Afghanistan. She advised the Pakistani Parliament to cooperate with the International Community to work for the best case scenario but she warned that at the same preparations must be made to prepare for the worst case state of affairs as well. Dr Lodhi also made clear at the seminar that Pakistan warned US not to wage a war in Afghanistan post 9/11.

German MP Roderich Kiesewetter said Pakistan and Germany share common interest and Pakistan is of utmost importance when it comes to peaceful solution of Afghanistan crisis. Talking of public opinion he said the people of Germany do not advocate war in Afghanistan.  He laid emphasis on the fact that the overall withdrawal and reconciliation should be Afghan led and said that civilian presence in Afghanistan will continue after 2014.  He said at the end of 2014, we’ll start assistance and monitoring force with civilian footprint to provide support in education, infrastructure and health sectors in Afghanistan.

Mr. Riaz Khokar reiterated the fact that the time from now till 2014 is of great significance. He said the West needs to understand the dynamics of the region and the responsibility lies with the Parliamentarians to devise effective policies.  He said that while talking about regional solution to the problem, Iran must not be forgotten as it is an important stakeholder perhaps more significant than India when it comes to Afghanistan issue. He also said that Afghanistan should be allowed to decide its own future, Pakistan or any other country must not dictate or impose their policies on Afghanistan.

Participants at the seminar lauded the efforts made by Senator Mushahid Hussain and his committee to ensure supremacy of the Constitution and rule of law.

Chairman Defence Committee Mushahid hussain Sayed in his concluding remarks said there is a lot of confusion in the US foreign policy. Hawkish elements in the Pentagon and CIA have been driving American policies towards Afghanistan and Pakistan. Sometimes, Pakistan is asked to help the US to talk to the Taliban, and then, at other times, Pakistan is asked to take on the Taliban.

However, Senator Mushahid Hussain saw a refreshing change in US policy with backtracking on pressure on Pakistan regarding any operation in Waziristan and establishing a Trilateral Commission for talks with Taliban. Chairman Mushahid Hussain said Defence Committee is promoting a new culture of debate on defence and security by providing leadership in ideas, issues & initiatives, and will continue its efforts to act as a bridge between khaki and mufti.  

Senate Defence Committee issued the Defence Update at the Seminar with articles by experts on NATO and Afghanistan. The seminar ended with the presentation of mementos to the honorable speakers and distribution of certificates to the Defence Correspondents Association.