6th Think Tanks Forum of the Islamic Countries


Senator Mushahid Hussain's Speech on June 11, 2015

Senator Mushahid Hussain's Speech on June 11, 2015

Senator Mushahid Hussain's Speech on June 10, 2015

Senator Mushahid Hussain's Speech on June 10, 2015

Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed Speech on December 26, 2014

Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed Speech on December 26, 2014

Books by Mushahid

Mushahid briefs National Defence University students on role of Parliament

Date : June 14, 2012

Mushahid briefs National Defence University students on role of Parliament

Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Defence and Defence Production has observed that the overall role of Parliament is expending and it is now more responsive to issues of extreme public significance. Senator Mushahid expressed these views while addressing a delegation of students of National Defence University at the Parliament House today.
He said that vibrant media and active civil society have greatly transformed the lives of the people and the functioning of the Parliament as well. “Parliament represents the aspirations of the people of Pakistan and therefore it is the institution which can protect the national interests in a much better way”, Mushahid Hussain added.
Answering to various questions from participants on the issue of National Security, Senator Mushahid said that there existed a complete unanimity of opinion on how to protect our national interests in the changing scenario at regional as well as global level. Specifically talking about ties with United States, he stated that the policy guidelines have been formulated by the Parliamentary Committee on National Security having representation of all the political parties in the parliament.
From the historical perspective, Senator Mushahid mentioned that Pakistan has been in eye of the storm, playing a frontline role in war against terror. He further said that we were the focus of world attention when the Russians invaded Afghanistan. Senator Mushahid termed it extremely unfortunate that we were left alone in the end and were slapped with sanctions. Times have changed now, the Senator said, adding that the Parliament has formulated new guidelines to protect our national interests.
He also referred to the fact that we need to understand the new realities particularly the non-military threats like cyber warfare and climate change etc. Chairman of the Senate Defence Committee suggested that Pakistan’s National Security Paradigm has to be redefined and that all the stake holders like political parties, parliament and economy etc. have to be part of it. He urged the youth to take active part in social discourse and speak on issues to have their impact on policy making. He also invited the students to take part in the committee meetings and pointed out that the Defence Committee would start public hearings so that the committee may formulate recommendations on the bases of input provided by experts and professionals in the field of Defence and National Security.
Earlier, Secretary Senate Iftikharullah Babar and Special Secretary Senate Mr. Amjed Pervez gave a detailed over view of the working, performance and role of Parliament particularly the Senate in the legislation, policy guidance and oversight of the executive. They also responded to various queries of the participants with regard to committee system and over all working of the Parliament.