Senator Mushahid Hussain's Speech on June 11, 2015
Senator Mushahid Hussain's Speech on June 10, 2015
Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed Speech on December 26, 2014
Date : December 10, 2013
Islamabad (Dec 9, 2013): Chairman Organizing Committee of APA, Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed, opened the second day of the 6th Plenary of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly in Islamabad by warmly thanking all the delegates for forming the biggest conference in the history of Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) as well as Parliament of Pakistan with representation from 31 countries and five international organizations, marking it a historic and momentous occasion in a unique moment in time.
He stated that it is the most representative assembly of APA with participation from all across Asia, rather one geographic part of it. “We have a plenary that boasts representation from the length and breadth of Asia, from Palau to Palestine, from Kyrgyzstan to Korea, from Saudi Arab to Sri Lanka and from Tonga to Tajikistan,” professed the Senator.
Chalking out a future of APA, the Chairman proclaimed his vision, as also shared by the APA co-founder Jose de Venecia, of transforming APA in to a full fledge Asian Parliament. “This is within our reach,” the Senator enthused. “Just like in 2004, we transformed Association of Asian Parliamentarians for Peace (AAPP) into an Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) in this very city.”
He observed that this conference is particularly pertinent in the face of the challenges faced by Asia which makes the theme, “Asian Century: Cooperation in Economy, Energy and Environment,” extremely significant in providing an opportunity for different Asian countries to resolve their concurrent issues between and among themselves. “The balance of economic and cultural power is shifting from the West to the East and this is a hallmark of the Asian Century in the 21st century.”
Later at a press conference, the chairman apprised that the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mian Nawaz Sharif, will be addressing the APA at 10:30 am tomorrow and that the presidency of APA to the great honour of Pakistan has now passed on to Chairman Senate, Senator Nayyar Ali Bukhari. “Pakistan, along with other Asian countries, will play a key role in resolving the issues of Asia to realize the vision of an Asian Century.” He also added that the main feature of this conference in that it was able to bring the various Asian countries on one table in a democratic dialogue and sharing unity in diversity.”
Bringing up the various conflicts in Asia, Senator Mushahid Hussain argued that resolution of Palestine and Kashmir, as per the UN resolutions, is imperative for creating a better environment for peace and prosperity in Asia.
In this vein, he declared, “Asia must carve a common future of peace and prosperity that is free form hegemony of outside forces; Asian hands must shape Asia’s destiny and decisions about Asia are being made in the heart of Asia, in Islamabad, by Asian leaders.”