Senator Mushahid Hussain's Speech on June 11, 2015
Senator Mushahid Hussain's Speech on June 10, 2015
Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed Speech on December 26, 2014
Date : September 05, 2013
ISLAMABAD - The Senate's Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs on Tuesday passed a resolution unanimously condemning possible military action against Syria.
Talking to reporters at the Parliament House, Senate’s Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs Mushahid Hussain and member Haji Adeel Ahmed said the body in the in-camera session unanimously adopted a resolution condemning any military aggression against Syria by any country, including the United States.
He said the body opposed any military solution of the Syrian issue and recommended that the issue should be resolved in accordance with the will of the Syrians rather than imposing any military solution upon them.
Hussain added that due to various conflicts Middle East could not afford any new war in the region that would benefit none.
The body, he said, also condemned the use of chemical weapons against the innocent civilians, regardless of “whoever used it”.
Adeel said the body also condemned the Pakistanis fighting in Syria against the Syrian government, adding that Syria should not be transformed into another Afghanistan.
However, he noted that no official information on the Pakistanis fighting in Syria was provided to the committee.
He said that after the United Kingdom, Pakistani parliament was the first ever platform where a senate’s body passed resolution on Syrian issue.
He said further the committee also understood the need of adopting important measures and re-tracking the policy towards Afghanistan and suggested to maintain good terms with neighboring country in real manner.
The ANP leader said the people of Afghanistan should be let free to take their own decision and all neighboring countries should pullout their role in taking decisions regarding Afghanistan.
“The Afghans have to fill the vacuum themselves that is being created after withdrawal of NATO/ISAF troops, and if they chose the path of peace we should assist them,” he added.
He also said the body members also discussed the issue of Afghan refugees present in Pakistan, especially those Afghan families whose children were born in Pakistan and considered Pakistan as their country.
Hussain said that by September 9, the committee is leaving for Kabul on a three-day visit for parliamentary negotiations, and that is first-ever defence level visit between the two countries.
He was of the view that for the first time a National Security Committee (NSC) has been formulated in the country led by adviser to the PM on national security and foreign affairs, for which the federal ministers of interior, finance, foreign affairs and defence would be member along with all intelligence services chiefs.
The NSC would meet regularly on monthly basis and members of the Senate’s Defence Committee would also be part of it, he concluded.